Psychology for athletes
The Importance of Physical Activity and Sport in Mental Health
Sport is a well established treatment for a variety of mental health issues. These include stress management, being able to build positive relationships with others and to be more positive, to name but a few.
The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine have clearly outlined how Sport and Physical Activity play a role in helping people to experience mental well being and how sport and physical activity can also play a role in managing mental illness.
Holding back from seeking help?
You are not alone! Stigma associated with seeking help is something a lot of people struggle with. there is even evidence to show this is the case! Another way to look at it is as a way of improving your life and mental well being rather than ‘fixing’ something that is wrong. See below some of the ways a sports and performance psychologist can help.
How can Psychology help?
A sports psychologist will assist athletes to improve their mental well being and their sports performance by using a combination of different techniques. They also work with team managers and coaches on a variety of issues.
An example of some of the issues that sports psychologists typically work on with athletes:
- Anxiety
- Confidence
- Communication
- Leadership
- Positive Mental attitude
- Mental Well being
- Improving skills
- Understanding the zone state and accessing it
- Improving concentration
- Coping with injury
- Identifying and dealing with burnout
- Managing pressures of competition
- Motivation
- Self belief
- Goal setting
What type of athletes might look for help?
- Recreational athletes
- Professional athletes
- Coaches
- Team Managers
- Anyone who wants to participate in exercise to improve their mental and physical well being
Dr. Niamh Flynn
Performance Psychologist, Dr. Niamh Flynn will explain the power of your subconscious mind and how you can harness its power to bring your confidence levels through the roof and deal effectively with anxiety. When you attend her clinic she will guide you through powerful visualisations that will help you achieve your goals. Her clinic is based in Suite 29 at the Galway Clinic, a private hospital in the West of Ireland, and she has presented internationally on a variety of topics and has been a guest lecturer at a number of universities and organisations. She is also the author of the book ‘End Migraine Fast’. Clicking below will bring you to Niamh Flynn .com website where Sports Psychology is managed.